Progress of Day 4
Steps to complete "Gatsby Challenge 1"
- Setup Github - Repository
- Create fresh Gatsby Project
- Build a working Skeleton Blog
- Deploy with Netlify
After all the different Tutorials to learn and dig into Gatsby the last few days, we want to build our blog from scratch with a Git CMS aka NetlifyCMS & with some basic styling with TailwindCSS.
After this Guide, I would say we completed the first "Gatsby Challenge 1"
Ok, then here we go.
Setup GitHub Repository
- Setup Github - Repository (see other Blog-Post - coming soon)
Create fresh Gatsby Project
$ gatsby new my-blog
$ cd my-blog
$ git remote add ...
$ git push -u origin master
// Open VS Code
$ code .
Build a working Skeleton Blog
Steps I planned before I started what I want to do, to recap the tutorial:
- Remove unnecessary Components & Pictures (
) - Install & Configure a few important Gatsby-Plugins
- TailwindCSS
- NetlifyCMS
- Extend all Sites/Pages with
- Add
as mdx queries - Add a Template
& a Componentblog.js
- Add
GraphQL queries
to all Pages - Update Documentation
First, we remove all unnecessary items we don't need.
Image Component & Stylings See also what I did here
Include TailwindCSS
$ npm install tailwindcss --save-dev
$ npx tailwind init
Choose Option 1: PostCSS
Install the Gatsby PostCSS plugin gatsby-plugin-postcss.
npm install --save gatsby-plugin-postcss
Include the plugin in your gatsby-config.js
plugins: [`gatsby-plugin-postcss`],
Configure PostCSS to use Tailwind
Create a postcss.config.js
in your project’s root folder with the following contents.
module.exports = () => ({
plugins: [require("tailwindcss")],
Include NetlifyCMS
$ npm install --save netlify-cms-app gatsby-plugin-netlify-cms
Include MDX Support
I included MDX to work in a powerful environment. I was reading about it and thought it's a good idea to include it directly from the beginning. What I later figured out was that NetlifyCMS currently not supports .mdx
-Files, but still, it's fine to use it.
Skeleton-Blog GithHub-Commit
Don't copy-paste everything there are some issues in, that I figured out along my journey, but you can see it as inspiration or a starting point:
Check commits from Jan 3, 2020, & Jan 4, 2020
Add, Commit & Push everything to GitHub
For the next step we want to add everything to GitHub
that we can do the next step and deploy with Netlify
$ git add .
// $ git commit -m "your commit message"
$ git commit -m "feat: my initial skeleton blog"
$ git push
Deploy with Netlify
- Deploy with Netlify (see other Blog-Post - coming soon)