- Setup: Git (see other Blog-Post - coming soon)
- Gatsby Tutorial - Install Git
Create Github Account
Create a new Repository on GitHub
Setup local Project and connect with GitHub Repository (only once)
If you have no git repository initially:
$ cd projectName
$ git init
// Add all Files
$ git add .
// Commit with Message
$ git commit -m "initial commit"
or for a gatsby Blog, because the gatsby-CLI does $ git init
for you
$ gatsby new projectName
$ cd projectName
push the code to GitHub
// Set remote server (GitHub)
$ git remote add origin[USER-NAME]/[PROJECT].git
// Sends everything to remote server (GitHub)
$ git push -u origin master
Edit Files, Status, Add, Commit & Push
This step is essential, and the following commands should go in your blood & flesh that you don’t have to think about them. 😉
If you’re working alone on a project, then this workflow is, in general, more then enough to know
// Shows all changes within your Project
$ git status
// Add all (changed) Files to the staging area
$ git add .
// or add one specific File to the staging area
$ git add path/to/file
// Add all staged Files into Branch history with a commit message
$ git commit -m "your commit message"
// Sends all your committed changes of the current branch to the remote server (GitHub)
$ git push